viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


Is the favorite place for nature and adventure sports lovers that go attracted by the natural  beauty there . This place counts with waterfalls of crystalline water, lagoons turquoise water with abundant fishes (truchas). There are hills,forests and eucalyptus, hills, and a great variety of plants and animals, to this is added the hospitality of the habitants.

Huancaya's community is placed in the north zone of Yauyos's province, department of Lima. It is located in the riveras of the river Warq'o (Cañete) surrounded with beautiful waterfalls and Huayllahuacran's wonderful hill. To 17 kilometres from Huancaya's north, we can find Vilca .

How to reach?
The transport that realize the tour up to Huancaya are varied. Routes of access exist from Lima and from of Huancayo:
- The first one is for the Central Road and the distance is 290 km up to Huancaya: 218 of  asphalted road and 72 of affirmed way. We pass the Oroya  and then we continue by the way that give us to Huancayo  up to Pachacayllo where finishes the paved section, then it is continued by a way affirmed and then to Vilca and then we pass for a bay to 4500 msnm.
- The second route for Panamericana Sur is by public transport or by own car, the traveler must travel to San Vicente of Cañete, in the kilometre 144 of the Panamericana Sur. From there the route takes asphalted up to Lunahuaná. A few kilometres above, the route turns affirmed until Tinco Alis, Vitis come to Sponge-cake, llapay, up to arriving at Huancaya. Before, a detour goes up to Laraos, Carania, Alis, Miraflores and other communities of Noryauyos. The  distance of the travel is 324 km.

- The first route (Road Chupaca - Cañete) nowadays the most used by Huancayo's public transport to Huancaya .It is for Chupaca passing for Chaquicocha - Capillayoc-Huancachi - Captures - Alis - Tinco Alis - Vitis and Huancaya. The road is affirmed and the distance of tour is 144 Km

-The second route of the Central Road, entering to an affirmed road at the level of Pachacayo happening passing for Conchas arriving to Vilca and Huancaya. The distance is of 153 km.

There presents a temperature of 13 º that changes seasonally between 8°C and 22°C.

In the day the solar presence is observed and in the night there is a sensation of cold. The weather is imminently dry from April to December and rainy from January to March.
  Huancaya video

The gastronomy of Huancaya

The supply of the gastronomy of Huancaya is extremely varied, we can taste typical as the traditional food like the “Coloured Cuy”,” Grilled Trout”, “Pachamanca”,” The Kanchi”. Huancaya is characterized by the great quantity of establishments that presents a variety of all the tastes

This is a delicious stew cuy prepared based on coloured chili, peanut, onion and achiote , a kind of condiment.

It looks good


It's akind of soup. The previous night the maize is boiled, also the meat, guts of cow, meat of pork, lamb and bones of pork. Once boiled the broth is served adding perejíl and onion.


In Huancaya exist trouts naturally, and also the trout grows up, their meat is very agreeable and economic.
This pottage is representative of this part of the country, there are a great variety of plates based on the trout.

The trout is soften with garlics, pepper and cumins, for an hour approximately. It’s also prepared with by onion, garlics and oil.
In a pan on a fathom of coal, oil is put in the surface and on it the trouts, the special seasoning is added.
Its served with frites.

The name comes from two Quechua words, Pasha: land and Manka: pot.
The process of boiling of the pachamanca is very particular, we do a hole in the ground on which an oven is based on stones "Rijchi Rumi",  the stones warm up with fuelwood ,when it warms enough, they move back to put the potatoes, later the meats (meat of cuy, beast, sheep, alpaca, trout) alternating with stones; then there are put humitas and the beans; all this is covered with malrmaquilla or queña, a kind of herb. Finally it is covered with the ground that was extracted when the hole was done. The time of boiling can be 45 minutes or 1 hour, in agreement to the warming that the stones had.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Sports in Huancaya

Trekking in Huancaya
Huancaya has spectacular andean landscapes  with beautiful lagoons of crystalline water, with a lot of plants, wild animals and circuits of  Inca way caught in the time that invites you to discover them.
There are five options to travel  the picturesque as: Tanta y el Apu Pariacaca, Tupe-Ayza Pueblo Milenario,Vilca the andean jewelry, Cachuy religious, Vitis the city of wind , and the beautiful Huancaya.

Fishing in Huancaya
Huancaya is a fishing excellent destination ,thanks to the privileged location of its lagoons: Huallhua, Las Rosas, Ashincuy, Quillcay, Pachas and others. These lagoons are considered by experienced fishermen as the most beautiful of the Reserve, being outlined between many of the classic destinations of fishing, for his concentration of rainbow t routs and brown trouts.

Rafting in Huancaya
In Huancaya we can explore the Yauyos river, advancing secretly for its beautiful waterfalls and lagoons, where the magic of the river intermingles with a variety of birds and a beautiful plants turning into the ideal scene for a relaxing and unforgettable experience.

Holidays in Huancaya

La Negrería
La Negrería - Huancaya
This holiday is in honor to baby Jesus. It is realize between January 1st and January 3rd , every year. The men wear in elegant suit, tie, mask and hat in plumages of showy colors. The Mayú is the chief of the “negritos” who are the dancers, he rides in the hand the whip, to keep the order in the dances of their tour for the streets and houses of the civil servants.

Pascua de Reyes
This Holiday is in honor to Acepciona virgin. It is realize of January 6th to January 8th , every year. The women dance with costumes and they carry a lily of showy colors in their hands, the men accompany the dance with a cane in their hands hand up to burn the lilies.

Huancaya ‘s Anniversary
This holiday was created on November 15th , 1915, that’s why every January 20th of every year they realice the traditional “Jala Gallo”  where the best “chalanes” of the zone present their horses with silver saddles to demonstrate their skill pulling the head of a roost in time of a band of musicians.


Holy week image

It’s possible to appreciate the procession to Christ in his tour by the painted and decorated streets with beautiful field flowers. Four Ayllus compete to demonstrate their arches decorated with flowers, fruits and wild birds.

San Juan Holiday

Is a patron saint's day  that is feasted from June 23 to June 27 of every year. It starts at one o'clock in the morning of every day with the planted of a stick and a head of a bull ,then in the morning it is realized “La Carga Leña”, then a mass , there is also a demonstration of the civil servants mounted in horses doing choreographies in time with the band of musicians. Then they go on to the house of the civil servants to continue with " The General Dance ". To the fourth day the rituals of the fuel stick for the " Low Head " are realized, it concludes in the evening with the traditional  “Jala Gallo” as on January 20.

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Huancaya’s Resort - Touristic Project

I think Huncaya is a wonderful place full of landscapes. There are many activities to do in Huancaya. It’s a destiny where we can go alone or with our friends , our couple , our family, etc.
It’s a place close to Lima , it’s not so expensive , and the most important : Is a great place.
My project is : A Resort in Huancaya . There are places to stay there like 2 or 3 hostels close to the square. Because of the beautiful landscapes I would preferred an accommodation close to the lagoons , the river , the mountains , the waterfalls , the bridge and all the places where we have the opportunity to make some entertainment activities , that’s why I thought about this project .

My project is : A Resort in Huancaya . There are places to stay there like 2 or 3 hostels close to the square. Because of the beautiful landscapes I would preferred an accommodation close to the lagoons , the river , the mountains , the waterfalls , the bridge and all the places where we have the opportunity to make some entertainment activities , that’s why I thought about this project .

It will be localized next to the river and the landscapes. Close to the lagoons.

It will be a building of two stages. Twenty five rooms .In the first stage there will be a restaurant with typical food. I want to keep the rustic style and the friendly atmosphere of the hostels there . So the majority of building material will be wood.
I want to keep the rustic style but implementing quality services where tourists can relax , be in contact with the nature , feel comfortable and have fun realizing many activities there.
There will be also a camping area where people will be more near to the nature , the river , etc. The resort will give to the tourist a camping equipment .
There will be a spa, a pool , a gym for people who wants to stay indoor, they also can relax themselves there.
Always and in all of cases keeping the sustainable tourism.
Camping area


Entertainment activities

The Resort will be next to the Cañete river, so we’ll give the tourists a fishing equipment and if they don’t know how to fish, we designate a coach to teach them how to do it , the places where are more trouts to fish,etc. We also have grills in our garden, so if someone wants to grill their fishes maybe they can do it there or ask the chef to prepare it for you .

Wild animals and plants watching:

A sheep nearby Cañete river

There are many landscapes to watch.  There are waterfalls, wild plants and animals , etc.  From the Resort we can watch Andean ducks, “gallaretas”, and other wild birds. We can se also little troops of “llamas” and horses walking through the bank. We also have a guide for this activity, if you want.
We offer to you the possibility of practice rafting.

Other activities:
Down hill
Ride by horse
Ride by bike
Other Activities that nature inspires you to do.

Advantages of this project:
-          The increase of the touristic supply in that destiny
-          To make known to the tourists all the activities that they can do in Huancaya.
-          Capture the attention of others investments
-          Economic contribution to Huancaya
-          Make more popular Huancaya and capture more attention from external and domestic tourists.
Disadvantages of this project:
-          More contamination because of the number of people that will visit Huancaya , also the flow of transport .
-          A possible depredation of trouts if the fishing turns indiscriminate.
-          There will be more buildings in a rural zone.