viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


Is the favorite place for nature and adventure sports lovers that go attracted by the natural  beauty there . This place counts with waterfalls of crystalline water, lagoons turquoise water with abundant fishes (truchas). There are hills,forests and eucalyptus, hills, and a great variety of plants and animals, to this is added the hospitality of the habitants.

Huancaya's community is placed in the north zone of Yauyos's province, department of Lima. It is located in the riveras of the river Warq'o (Cañete) surrounded with beautiful waterfalls and Huayllahuacran's wonderful hill. To 17 kilometres from Huancaya's north, we can find Vilca .

How to reach?
The transport that realize the tour up to Huancaya are varied. Routes of access exist from Lima and from of Huancayo:
- The first one is for the Central Road and the distance is 290 km up to Huancaya: 218 of  asphalted road and 72 of affirmed way. We pass the Oroya  and then we continue by the way that give us to Huancayo  up to Pachacayllo where finishes the paved section, then it is continued by a way affirmed and then to Vilca and then we pass for a bay to 4500 msnm.
- The second route for Panamericana Sur is by public transport or by own car, the traveler must travel to San Vicente of Cañete, in the kilometre 144 of the Panamericana Sur. From there the route takes asphalted up to Lunahuaná. A few kilometres above, the route turns affirmed until Tinco Alis, Vitis come to Sponge-cake, llapay, up to arriving at Huancaya. Before, a detour goes up to Laraos, Carania, Alis, Miraflores and other communities of Noryauyos. The  distance of the travel is 324 km.

- The first route (Road Chupaca - Cañete) nowadays the most used by Huancayo's public transport to Huancaya .It is for Chupaca passing for Chaquicocha - Capillayoc-Huancachi - Captures - Alis - Tinco Alis - Vitis and Huancaya. The road is affirmed and the distance of tour is 144 Km

-The second route of the Central Road, entering to an affirmed road at the level of Pachacayo happening passing for Conchas arriving to Vilca and Huancaya. The distance is of 153 km.

There presents a temperature of 13 º that changes seasonally between 8°C and 22°C.

In the day the solar presence is observed and in the night there is a sensation of cold. The weather is imminently dry from April to December and rainy from January to March.
  Huancaya video

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