jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Holidays in Huancaya

La Negrería
La Negrería - Huancaya
This holiday is in honor to baby Jesus. It is realize between January 1st and January 3rd , every year. The men wear in elegant suit, tie, mask and hat in plumages of showy colors. The Mayú is the chief of the “negritos” who are the dancers, he rides in the hand the whip, to keep the order in the dances of their tour for the streets and houses of the civil servants.

Pascua de Reyes
This Holiday is in honor to Acepciona virgin. It is realize of January 6th to January 8th , every year. The women dance with costumes and they carry a lily of showy colors in their hands, the men accompany the dance with a cane in their hands hand up to burn the lilies.

Huancaya ‘s Anniversary
This holiday was created on November 15th , 1915, that’s why every January 20th of every year they realice the traditional “Jala Gallo”  where the best “chalanes” of the zone present their horses with silver saddles to demonstrate their skill pulling the head of a roost in time of a band of musicians.


Holy week image

It’s possible to appreciate the procession to Christ in his tour by the painted and decorated streets with beautiful field flowers. Four Ayllus compete to demonstrate their arches decorated with flowers, fruits and wild birds.

San Juan Holiday

Is a patron saint's day  that is feasted from June 23 to June 27 of every year. It starts at one o'clock in the morning of every day with the planted of a stick and a head of a bull ,then in the morning it is realized “La Carga Leña”, then a mass , there is also a demonstration of the civil servants mounted in horses doing choreographies in time with the band of musicians. Then they go on to the house of the civil servants to continue with " The General Dance ". To the fourth day the rituals of the fuel stick for the " Low Head " are realized, it concludes in the evening with the traditional  “Jala Gallo” as on January 20.

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